PART 4/4: How To Launch And Manage A New Business In Only 15 Mins A Day

part 4/4: how to launch and manage a new business in only 15 mins a day

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Podcast by Eddie Eastman
CEO Startup Streams

“We are here to kickstart your ecommerce ambitions by providing you with a range of ecommerce stores in the most popular niches whilst providing you with a fully functioning business complete with products to sell saving you time, money and effort in the process."

Podcast by Eddie Eastman
CEO Startup Streams

“We are here to kickstart your ecommerce ambitions by providing you with a range of ecommerce stores in the most popular niches whilst providing you with a fully functioning business complete with products to sell saving you time, money and effort in the process."

Podcast transcript

Hello, and welcome to the final part of our 4 part series about launching and managing a business in only 15 mins a day, to allow you to start a new business alongside your busy schedule.

Let’s continue right now with…


Day 24: Publish your store!

Today is the big day! You have spent the last 23 days getting ready for now. You have your store built and ready to go, you have your social media marketing channels up and running, discount codes set… the last thing to do is launch! If you are on Shopify, make sure you have already selected your Shopify plan and have removed any password gates in settings so that customers can easily access your store.


Day 25: Tell all of your friends and family

Your first handful of customers would usually be people in your inner circle: Your friends, family, colleagues, next door neighbour, the staff at the corner shop, the postal courier… whoever you know. Contact your friends and fans of social media and link to your website to start to sending instant traffic to your store. Send an email out to everyone on your email contact list and write a quick personalised message to every number you have on SMS and WhatsApp. To find out more, you can listen to our "How to make your first sales in 24 hours" podcast, 


Day 26: Post on all social media channels 

Now you have started to get your first website visits (which you can check in Shopify analytics), you can start to tell strangers about your business. You already have the social media accounts locked and loaded, now is the time to use them. Post 12 times on Instagram to make sure your page has content for people who check out your page to see what your offering is, include your discount code in the page description and link to your website. If you have linked your Instagram account to your Facebook page as stated earlier, your posts will be automatically posted to Facebook. You can then manually tweet about your store launch also. As stated earlier, get social!

Start up your next business in the EASIEST and FASTEST way possible...

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Day 27: Join Facebook groups and pages

Next, you will want to start promoting manually - do things which don’t scale. Find pages on Facebook in your niche and ask politely if you can post about your business. As Facebook is a social media platform, make sure that you are actually social and engage with other people in the group or page. You’ll be able to find lots of groups in your niche, but some will be harder to find than others. Make sure you use Facebook’s search feature by finding a variety of different search terms and limit the search to groups and pages to be shown only. Whatever you do, make sure you don’t just self-promote and spam. This will be a waste of time as you’d get no sales and most likely be kicked out of the groups and pages - you need to provide value to the community.


Day 28: Instagram outreach: 

Focus on sending products to Micro-influencers. You can find influencers on Instagram using hashtags, reaching out to them and asking if they'd post about the site in return for receiving your products for free, or for payment. This is also a ‘numbers game’ so the wider your net is, the more influencers you contact, the better the results will be. You can then reinvest your income from this tactic into Facebook and Google Ads to create a steadier and less time consuming form of marketing and income at a later stage.


Day 29: Startup the next business

Now you know what to do! It is time to rinse and repeat… You have experience with setting up and launching an ecommerce business with only 15 minutes a day. You have the skills and know-how to apply this new found knowledge again and again and again. A prime reason to join Startup Streams is so that you can startup as many revenue streams as you want with our lifetime membership. So now would be a great time to start to think about which niche and store you wish to start next? Brain storm your ideas then return to Day 1 on this list and repeat the process. 


Day 30: Book a 1-to-1 session with a Startup Streams marketing advisor…

Now you have a business underway, you’ll want to start to invest what money you have made so far into a more stable and reliable form of income such as PPC (pay per click) ads on Facebook or Google. You can find out more about our marketing consultations in our podcast called ‘What is Startup Streams 1-to-1 Marketing support’. 


...and that’s it, that’s all 30 days or 30 steps to launch your first business alongside your busy work schedule. 

From now on, it is all about continually improving. This is what an entrepreneur does best. A successful entrepreneur always expands their knowledge and knows that marketing is an ever changing game: Every year algorithms get edited, different strategies stop working and new platforms are released and you can only ever get ahead of your competitors by staying relevant. Make sure you’re always learning, watching relevant YouTube videos and each time you launch a new business, push yourself harder and faster than the last time. 

Being successful online is a continuous state of review, experimentation and improvement.

Thank you for listening and best of luck with your new business...

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